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A doctor may suspect that you have thickened yellow toenails if you experience other symptoms that go along with this disorder. Depending on the condition, this may be a fungal infection, an age-related yellowing of the nails, or a result of an accident or other condition. Symptoms of yellow nail syndrome can also include hair loss, leg swelling, or breathing problems. Your doctor may suggest testing to rule out other causes of the condition.
Fungal infection
There are two main types of treatments for thickened yellow toenails: topical antifungal medication and oral antifungal medications. While topical medications are useful in the treatment of toenail fungus, they can cause side effects, especially to the liver. Topical medication is often combined with oral medications and is more effective than either alone. However, topical medication can cause more side effects, including the risk of developing an allergic reaction.
The mainstay of treatment for toenail fungus is oral or topical medications. A prescription-strength topical medication is recommended for two to three months. However, oral medications have several risks, such as interactions with other medicines and liver function tests. Another option is surgical removal. This treatment may be a good option if the toenail is associated with trauma or infection.
A doctor may prescribe an antifungal cream if the symptoms are accompanied by redness and tenderness. A toenail may also grow thicker and distorted as it grows. Patients with pus-filled toenails should see a doctor for an examination. Antifungal cream should be applied twice a day for several months. In severe cases, antifungal pills may be prescribed.
Another treatment is using an antifungal medicine that you can buy over the counter. These medications can help with the treatment of the infection and may be combined with topical treatment. The best way to prevent the fungus from returning is to avoid public places where people with the infection might congregate. Using flip-flops and clean footwear may prevent toenail fungus from spreading to other parts of the body.
Age-related yellowing
Some factors can contribute to age-related yellowing of toenails, including nail polish residue and a lack of a vitamin A or D supplement. If you suspect that your yellow toenails are caused by a fungus, your doctor will most likely recommend an amputation or biopsy of the affected nail. If the problem is not age-related, the doctor will likely recommend additional treatments, such as antifungal medication or a multivitamin supplement.
A lack of circulation can also cause yellowing of toenails. This decreases blood flow to the feet, which can lead to thick, brittle, and discolored nails. Although yellowing of the nails is not a medical condition, it can be an indicator of an underlying condition. Inflammation of blood vessels and the buildup of plaque are also factors that can contribute to age-related yellowing of toenails.
The condition is rare and is often accompanied by other symptoms. In some cases, yellow nail syndrome may lead to abnormalities of the respiratory tract, limbs, or toenails. People with the disorder may experience recurring respiratory symptoms and swelling. Vitamin E is sometimes prescribed orally for yellow toenails. Self-tanner is another option, although it should be used with caution, as it can stain the nail.
Other symptoms associated with age-related yellowing of toenails include splinter hemorrhages. These typically appear as linear discolorations underneath the nail plate and progress to a dark brown or black colour. People taking blood thinners and people with vascular conditions may experience this problem. Most patients will eventually clear up on their own. In rare cases, however, they may require additional treatment to cure this condition.
Accidental injury
The onset of thickened yellow toenails can be caused by minor trauma to the foot or toes. If these changes occur repeatedly, they may lead to Yellow nail syndrome, which causes toenails to be yellow in color and can also cause painful swelling of the arm and leg. Additionally, people suffering from this condition may experience chronic coughing and pleural effusion. In some cases, the yellowness may also be accompanied by other symptoms of minor trauma, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and pain in the foot.
Trauma to the toenail may result in bacterial or fungal infection. Failure to seek medical attention immediately after an injury can lead to permanent damage to the nail. Puncture wounds and splinters may also cause trauma to the nail, which can result in a hematoma under the nail. People with poor circulation and neuropathy may also suffer from this condition. Depending on the cause, bacterial infection may lead to a painful, thickened nail that lifts away from the nail bed.
In addition to medical treatment, oral medications are the mainstay of therapy for thickened yellow toenails. Antifungal medications may be combined with topical solutions. Regular foot care, wearing clean socks and shoes, and using nail clippers and emery boards may help to reduce the risk of this condition. Infections can also be passed on from one person to another through sharing a shower, community showers, or sharing emery boards.
If the condition is not treated, it can lead to the development of fungal infections in the toenails and fingers. These fungi may spread throughout the body, so it is important to visit a doctor to ensure the condition is not a secondary issue. Accidental injury due to thickened yellow toenails can lead to a serious condition that requires medical attention. A doctor can recommend treatment if the toenails are too thick.
Thyroid disorders affect the body's ability to produce certain hormones. Underactive thyroids, which are more common in women than in men, can cause a variety of other symptoms, including thickened yellow toenails. Fungal overgrowth in the toenails can also be an early sign of hypothyroidism. Fungal nail infections are uncomfortable and difficult to remove. While over-the-counter treatments for fungus can solve the infection, it is often better to treat hypothyroidism first in order to prevent fungus from returning.
A person suffering from hypothyroidism may also notice rough cuticles, also known as Paronychia. While there is no one cause of Paronychia, it is often related to a protein deficiency. Protein is responsible for the thyroid's functions and is found in protein. If you don't have enough protein, your body won't produce enough of the amino acid Tyrosine, which is present in large quantities in the nails.
Other signs of hypothyroidism include white-or-yellow discoloration of the nail and the emergence of thin, crumbling, or broken nails. In rare cases, a patient may experience faster or slower nail growth, or both. The nail may even curve upwards. Hypothyroidism can also cause the fingernail to grow faster or slower than usual.
Several other factors may cause the yellowing of the nails. In addition to fungal infection, hypothyroidism may also cause yellowing of the skin, nails, and toenails. If your yellowing nails are accompanied by jaundice, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to help treat the underlying liver disease. Your dermatologist will diagnose the exact cause and provide the appropriate treatment.
Nail psoriasis
When the yellow toenails of an affected person are thick and brittle, this is a symptom of nail psoriasis. The disease can affect the shape and color of the toenails as well as their feel and surface appearance. Although the exact cause of nail psoriasis is not known, the condition is typically associated with inflammation.
A person suffering from this condition must consult a physician for treatment. Often, the doctor will perform a test to rule out toenail fungus. However, if the test is negative, the doctor may pursue other possible causes of abnormal yellow toenails. In addition, the symptoms of yellow toenails in people suffering from this disease can be accompanied by symptoms in other parts of the body. These symptoms can include leg swelling, breathing problems, and hair loss.
In addition to thickened, yellow toenails, patients suffering from nail psoriasis may also experience a white patch on their fingernails. This lesson is the result of a fungal infection, which leads to the gradual separation of the nail from the nail bed. The nail can also become brittle and breakable. Affected toenails can become painful and infected, making it difficult to walk or work.
Despite its recurrent nature, this disorder is easily treated. A doctor can prescribe antifungal medications, including nitrile and fluconazole. There are also several topical antifungal creams and ointments available on the market. Those with severe cases may need to use oral antifungal medications. Antifungal treatments for nail psoriasis vary, depending on the severity of the condition.