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Cancer Cures – Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risks and Potential Cure for Cancer

Cancer cures feature

Cancer has become one of the main health issues in most societies. More and more people of all ages and demographics as well as lifestyles are experiencing it. Scientists are working hard to find new things that could help prevent cancer or kill cancer cells entirely, but to no real avail so far. There have been some advancements towards finding universal cancer cures.

There are certain cancer cures and prevention methods that have had a proven effect on cancer cells. So, if you are looking for ways to prevent cancer or kill cancer cells, read on to find out more about food that can help and some cures that have worked in the past.

Foods that kill cancer

Which Foods Kill Cancer Cells?

Newest scientific studies have found that there are some foods and herbs that can kill cancer stem cells at their root.

Thousands of natural elements have been taken into account and they looked for a definite anti-cancer activity. However, only a small number of foods and herbs have shown some results.

Turmeric and ginger, for example, have been found to contain compounds which have the ability to kill cancer cells. Blueberry also has some valuable cancer killing properties.

Here is a list of 25 compounds that have a proven cancer cell-killing activity:

Green Tea for its EGCG

Ginger because of gingerol

Carrots and leafy greens because of beta carotene

Chinese skullcap because of baicalein

Turmeric because of curcumin

Corn lily because of cyclopamine

Blueberries and raspberries because of delphinidin

Soy, red clover and coffee because of flavonoids

Cottonseed because of gossypol

Commiphora because of guggulsterone

Cruciferous vegetables because of isothiocyanates

Mint because of linalool

Grapefruits and tomatoes because of  lycopene

Feverfew because of parthenolide

Mint, cherries and lavender because of perylill alcohol

Black pepper because of piperine

Capers and onion because of quercetin

Grapes, plums and berries because of resveratrol

Milk thistle because of silibinin

Thyme, basil, and oregano because of ursolic acid

Fish, eggs, beef, and cod liver oil for the vitamin D3

You can also replace D3 vitamin from meats with vegan options.

The primary reason why chemo or radiotherapy failed in improving cancer survival rates is that cancer stem cells are resistant to them and they can sometimes increase the number of these cells. Side-effects also destabilize the immune system. While some healthcare professionals understand these implications, there are also some that are still using these methods. The former are more interested in alternative ways to prevent and formulate cancer cures.

Best Anti-Cancer Diet

Best Anti-Cancer Diet

Anti-cancer diet is a strategy where you are trying to reduce your risk of cancer before it happens. This is why the American Cancer Society says that you should eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, and eat just the right amount of food – not so much that you get obese and not so little that you end up malnourished. Certain foods can also prevent cancer.

Eating right isn’t going to entirely prevent cancer, but it can reduce your risk of developing it.

Consider the guidelines:

Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables because they are full of nutrients that are necessary for your body and are thought to prevent cancer. Eat more plant-based foods in general.

Remove sugars and processed foods in general from your diet, especially quick junk food snacks.

Eat a Mediterranean diet which is full of cancer-fighting foods.

Drink green tea which is a powerful antioxidant and can prevent various types of cancer.

Eat more tomatoes because they contain elements like lycopene which is great for various types of cancer.

Use plenty of olive oil.

Eat grapes as a snack because their seeds are full of great nutrients.

Include plenty of garlic and onions in your diet as it can contain powerful sulfur compounds that can prevent cancer.

Try to enjoy fish in your diet.

Eat plenty of berries because they contain antioxidants and many other great compounds that can help in cancer prevention.

Add broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage to your diet.

Eat whole grains because they have plenty of fiber and antioxidants, both of which can keep you healthy.

Eat beans to reduce cancer risk – especially pinto and red kidney beans.

What Do Cancer Cells Feed On

What Do Cancer Cells Feed On?

Cancer cells need to feed on something in order to reproduce like they do. Fat and sugar have more energy than any other nutrient. It’s not surprising that scientists found that cancer makes a quick use of fat cells and glucose. It might even be what helps cancer happen in the first place. Scientists believe that adipose tissue can be a great thing for melanoma.

This has also helped them find relationships between obesity and cancer.

Since small freshwater fish get similar melanomas that humans get, it was easy to test this theory on them. They have found a lot of changes in genes that regulate the usage of lipids. Melanoma cells gathered and grew in the lipids.

The researches then turned to samples from humans and found the same thing. Melanoma cells consumed fat. They also became more aggressive and were able to chew through collagen and membranes which made it easy for them to spread.

They have also arrived at the conclusion that melanoma cells might be stopped with fat blocking drugs. While not all cancer patients would benefit from this, those whose melanomas started with lipid can be slowed down.

So, altering the diet to consume less fat as well as sugary foods can prevent and possibly cancel out the melanoma progression.

Is Honey Good for Cancer Patients

Is Honey Good for Cancer Patients?

Most people have questions regarding honey and cancer. They know that it’s healthy but they are never quite sure is it safe. But, as it turns out, honey is more than a safe bet when you have cancer. It might even have the ability to disrupt the growth.

While there have been studies stating that sugar boosts cancer and honey seems a bit counter intuitive, the deeper research is a great way to get information.

There was a study published which says that honey can help people with cancer or prevent cancer by:

  • Boosting the immune system

  • Reducing inflammation within the body

  • Fighting various infections

  • It can help heal wounds and ulcers

  • Kill cancer cells through apoptosis

But how much honey should you take?

One study found that honey can help patients with AIDS improve their immune cells. A different study found a relationship between people who ate more honey and lower risk of cancer.

What kind of honey should you take? It doesn’t really matter all that much – Manuka Honey, Bush Honey and natural honey have been looked at and they all work equally well. But you should keep in mind that the darker the honey, the better the benefits.

Here are some of those great compounds in honey that help cancer patients.

  • A powerful antioxidant, caffeine acid
  • It has chrysin which can reduce aromatase hormone production
  • Caffeic acid phenyl esters which can work against glioblastoma
  • Quercetin which can help with various cancer types
  • Apigenin which can help against many types of cancer

If you want to start consuming honey, you should make sure that you are getting as high quality as possible. Plenty of honey on the shelf is over-processed and cooked past the point of healthy. Typically, the longer something is cooked and processed, the less nutrients it retains. Some companies add fructose and high fructose syrup which is definitely a bad thing for cancer patients. Those artificial ingredients aren't known to aid any cancer cures; often the opposite is true.

Look for raw, organic honey. You can also check out your local farmers market and buy your honey locally and directly from someone you trust.

Potential Cancer Cures

Potential Cancer Cures

While there still isn’t a single, decisive cure for cancer, there have been some potential cures found during research. Keep in mind that some of these have been deemed unsafe and that there are some misgivings to each one, but they also have a pretty good shot at being great for cancer patients. More research is needed and you should consult your doctor before deciding on a treatment plan.

Dichloroacetate (DCA)

DCA is a compound normally used in many medical and cosmetic products as a cauterizing agent which means that it can burn the skin. It’s effective in burning calluses, both soft and hard corns, ingrown nails, warts, cysts, tattoos and so on. It has also been investigated as a possible cancer treatment. Scientists also think that it can help with diabetes and familial hypercholesterolemia. It’s used as a clinical treatment at the moment and mostly for congenital lactic acidosis.

Studies on rats found that DCA was able to kill cancer cells and decrease tumors without killing or affecting any other cells. DCA reactivated the mitochondria in the cell and this is what killed the cells.

However, it was found that it’s ineffective against some types of cancer like colon cancer. It also caused some tumors to grow. When the first human study was conducted, scientists decided not to recommend DCA as a cancer treatment. It needs more time and work to come at a definite conclusion.


Hemp oil and Cannabis Oil

People have been using cannabis for medicinal reasons for centuries because of its numerous healing effects on many diseases, issues and illnesses. Currently, people think that cannabis oil is a natural cancer aid or cure. Many people are, in fact, actively using it for cancer cures.

It contains cannabinoids which are good at killing cancer cells. Studies have shown that CBD oil can inhibit the spreading of cancer. It can reduce their ability to multiply.

Looking to make your own cannabis oil? More info on that here.

Cesium chloride

This is a mineral which can penetrate the cancer cells and it can change the pH of cancer cells. It doesn’t allow the cells to grow and spread. Scientists believe that cesium works by changing the pH level of cells, it starves the cancer cells because it limits the glucose they can take, stops the fermentation and neutralizes lactic acid, which multiplies cancer cells. On the list of cancer cures, it’s safe under supervision and administered intravenously.

Keep in mind that it can cause inflammation, swelling and pain, cramps and so on.

GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor)

This is a vitamin D binding protein that supports the immune system. It’s naturally found in the body. This vitamin protein activates the cells which support tissue repair and they jump start the immune system report. Cancer prevents the immune system from functioning properly. An extremely developed type of this protein can potentially be added to the list of cancer cures. This treatment is not yet approved and it’s experimental. Still, it can possibly turn into a valuable option as more scientists conduct studies.

Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 is a scientific name for amygdalin. It’s found in bitter almonds and apricot pits. This is not really a vitamin. However, people often claim that it has the ability to treat cancer. Keep in mind that it’s not FDA approved and shouldn’t be considered a sole system for preventing or killing cancer cells or any other disease.

There are, of course, proponents of both sides of the story. This is why, over the years, there have been many changes from recommendation to consume apricot seed pits to the recommendation to avoid them completely. Amygdalin produces cyanide which is toxic so your best bet is to avoid consuming it as much as possible. Laetrile is a non-toxic version of it, but it still has similar side-effects to cyanide.


The therapy with antineoplaston is an alternative cancer treatment which has not yet brought enough reliable evidence that it works. They are found in blood and urine. Antineoplastons can also have many side effects. Still, people use them because they believe that they could be useful in cancer treatment.

Lapatinib and trastuzumab (herceptin)

This combination has been found to help breast cancer in women. This study found that herceptin attaches itself to the HER-2 protein. That protein allows the cancer cells to grow and herceptin blocks it from doing that. Tykerb also works against HER-2 protein. This protein is found in every fourth woman with breast cancer.


Living drug: Cancer breakthrough uses T-cells to remember, attack tumors

T-cells are a type of white blood cells which have an important role in the immune system and against cancer. They are a part of the cell-mediated immunity. This is the part of the immune system which is dedicated to killing bacteria and cancer cells. They are produced in the bone marrow and they move to the blood and lymph nodes.

We all look forward to living long, happy and healthy lives. Taking steps today to prevent cancer tomorrow is the best thing you can do for your health. Be well!

Were you surprised at any of the cancer cures or preventative measures listed? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments down below!



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Written by Chloe Ruiz

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